Psalms 119:11
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
This scripture has been the key for me in deepening my faith and relationship with the Lord. It’s taught me to hide his words in my heart. Scripture memorization is such a powerful tool in your spiritual journey.
We are taught God spoke creation into existence and were told the power of life and death is in the tongue. Words are powerful. Especially God’s word who is the creator of everything. So hiding his word in our heart is a powerful tool against the enemy and the psalmist shows us this is a tactic to fight the enemy and one way to break the pattern of sin is by memorizing and meditating on the scriptures that resonate with you, are meaningful, comfort you, bring correction in areas you struggle, etc God will use His word to speak to you by bringing to mind different scriptures when you need them. It will give you Gods word to quote to others as you witness to the truth, it will give you revelation on other parts of the Bible by being able to connect up different scriptures. It begins to conform your mind to His ways and His truth. I believe it’s evidence of fruit when his word takes deep root inside of you and lives inside your mind and soul. We are told do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I believe meditating on and memorizing His powerful words brings transformation and change to your mind. Not only that but His words show us the path to salvation, they teach us our purpose, why we’re here, who created us, how God intended us to live, and the kingdom that’s soon coming. It offers us a peace, joy, and fulfilment that this world doesn’t. This word is more valuable then any money or career. I hope you start storing up so your light may shine brighter as the darkness gets darker. There may come a day where you no longer have access to the Word of God. Other countries already do experience this. We don’t know what the future holds. But I truly believe one of the best way to prepare for life’s hardest storms is by storing up the hope of his word inside of you. “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what ever you desire and it shall be done for you” scripture memory walks have been such a peaceful and powerful habit to incorporate into my life. I hope you will consider trying for yourself. 💟